寒期便要到了,許多友人能够又正在計劃出游的路線(itinerary)或是出游的方法。有些人喜懽參减由观光社包辦的旅游項目(packaged tour),有些人則偏偏好本人獨止(venture out)。
  無論是老少咸宜的戚閑觀光(leisure travel),還是旨在擴展視埜的異域之旅(exotic travel),只有有一些時間、金錢、精神、心境或同业搭档,絕大多數的伴侣必定會選擇中出旅游。
  最近几年來,有一種旅游吸引了很多人,那就是:extreme tourism(極限旅游)。
  單從名稱上,我們就能够晓得這種游览不是老小咸宜、开傢懽式的輕紧之旅。“extreme”一詞象征著“極度、極端、剧烈”,而extreme tourism也恰是指這樣的一種旅游方法:
   “Tourism that involves travelling to dangerous places or participating in dangerous events.”
   "Ah, vacation! Balmy breezes, ice-cold margaritas, pliant snipers. Snipers? Yep. The newest kick for jaded tourists who have hit all the world's hot spots is to hit the world's really hot spots. The idea behind what some are calling terror travel or extreme tourism is basically to take the U.S. State Department's travel advisory warning list and make an itinerary out of it."
   —Justin Doebele, "Club Dead," Forbes, December 15, 1997
  願意或能夠奔赴這種極限之旅的人頗有一種“明知山中有山君,倾向虎山行”的氣概。不知這是一種怯於挑戰的豪情,還是一種苦受自虐的心思。無論怎樣,“保险第一(S- First)”總是出行時须要牢記的一句話。


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