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Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives:

Many important subjects will claim your attention during the present session, of which I shall endeavor to give, in aid of your deliberations, a just idea in this munication. I undertake this duty with diffidence, from the vast extent of the interests on which I have to treat and of their great importance to every portion of our Union. I enter on it with zeal from a thorough conviction that there never was a period since the establishment of our Revolution when, regarding the condition of the civilized world and its bearing upon us, there was greater necessity for devotion in public servants to their respective duties, or for virtue, patriotism, and union in our constituents.

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March 18, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. (Applause.) Please be seated. Thank you for the warm wele. It's nice to be back in J-ville. (Applause.) It's an interesting place to e, isn't it? I've been in your stadium, I've been in your church -- I've never been on the docks. But if you're interested in trying to figure out one of the reasons why this is one of America's most vibrant cities, you got to e to the docks. (Applause.)

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Good evening. This is the 37th time I have spoken to you from this office in which so many decisions have been made that shape the history of this nation. Each time I have done so to discuss with you some matters that I believe affected the national interest. And all the decisions I have made in my public life I have always tried to do what was best for the nation.
Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persevere; to make every possible effort to plete the term of office to which you elected me.

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   A 美國聯邦通過法律:全國農耕地 36%不得耕種,以保護一切農人的糊口水准。 那些不用耕耘的農人,則每年可領政府津貼,不愁生計。比来,克林頓總統又簽署法令,良多養乳牛的農人也同樣不得向市場供應牛奶及奶成品。他們只须要坐在傢裏看電視,每個月郵差自會把政府津貼奉上門。

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漢語中有句雅語“黃鼠狼給雞贺年,沒安善意”,仔細一想,倒與英語中的Greek gift(故意害人的禮物)頗有異直同工之處。

Greek gift曲譯為“希臘人的禮物”,源於有名的the battle for Troy(特洛伊戰爭)。果這場“丽人戰”,流傳下來的短語還实很多,先是an apple of discord(反面之因)埋下戰爭禍根,再之Helen of Troy成了“傾國傾城”甚或“害人粗”的代名詞,而後the Trojan Horse(木馬計)被看作“忠細”的同義語,而Greek gift實質上指的便是這只“攻破特洛伊的‘希臘木馬’”。

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An Apple of Discord爭斗之源;不和之果;禍根

 An Apple of Discord曲譯為“糾紛的蘋果”,出自荷馬史詩Iliad中的希臘神話故事

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November 30, 20

11:43 A.M. EST

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November 16, 20

MRS. BUSH: Wele to the White House. Thank you for ing today to National Adoption Day. Today is a chance to thank both the parents who give children life -- and the parents who give children love.

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October 7, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for the warm wele. David, thank you very much for your introduction. Nothing better than being introduced by an old fire chief. And I thank you for your service, Dave. It is such an honor to be here. I was telling Laura on the phone -- she didn't make it, I apologize, and so does she -- but I said I'm going down the hill -- I was up at Camp David -- I'm going down the hill to be with some remarkable people and their families, and to honor those who served. I said, I can't wait to go, and to be in their midst, because I hold the firefighters in such high regard; I have a deep respect in my soul for people who serve our munities.

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"This moment of peril must be turned to one of progress," President Barack Obama said this morning, as he signed his first two Presidential Memoranda aimed at getting us on the path to energy independence.

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