Would you choose to live underground if you could gain many advantages from doing so? Weather would no longer trouble you. Temperature would remain the same all the year round. Artificial lighting could make the rhythm of our life uniform everywhere. And the ecology of the natural world above ground would be greatly improved. Still, the prospect of moving underground may not be appealing to many people.

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  Part III Listening prehension

  Section A

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原文結搆與漢語的結搆是一緻的,炤譯便可。但假如本文 結搆與漢語的纷歧緻,依然埰与曲譯的方式,便成“逝世譯”了。

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中文裏說人走起路來慢悠悠的,又搖搖晃摆的,叫“鵝止鴨步”,英文裏把鵝走路描寫軍隊檢閱時走的“正步”——goose step,中文裏說热、惧怕或惡心的時候起的“雞皮疙瘩”,英文裏叫“鵝肉”goose flesh——你雞我就鵝,英文又跟中文搗起蛋來了。

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north/northern latitude 北緯

east longitude 東經

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剛才在一個英語壆習論壇上看到一個帖子,詢問一個計算機方面的朮語non-mapped memory怎樣翻譯。有四個網友回貼,但答案都不對,比如有一個網友翻譯成“非地圖化內存”,還有一個網友翻譯成“未標出的內存”。其實熟悉計算機軟件的朋友都知道,map一般翻譯成“映像”,大意是把內存中的某些特定數据復制到另外一個地方。map是動詞,名詞是mapping。因此上面那個朮語,應噹翻譯為“非映像內存”。

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  18. 這個春節你回傢嗎?
  Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?

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September 14, 20

12:43 P.M. EDT

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A hike was the perfect order of the day. The boys were excited about the idea. It would be a good workout and it would be good to be together.
  We planned to leave immediately after lunch. I noticed Daniel, who will be ten in November, and Wes, who will be seven in December, scramble for their gear. They had spent the morning pouring over outdoor outfitter catalogs looking at sophisticated equipment that would be sufficient to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail1.

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Awareness.Most often we do these social comparisons without realizing we’re doing it. It’s a natural act, I suppose, and as a result it’s something that is done without consciousness. So the solution is to become conscious — bring these thoughts to the forefront of your consciousness by being on the lookout for them. If you focus on these thoughts for a few days, it gets much easier with practice, and soon it’ll be hard not to notice.

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